Brain Health Restoration has effectively changed the employee treatment paradigm

The Brain Health Restoration treatment programs — Over the Influence and the MeRTSM — offer employers a host of benefits in terms of long-term employee recovery, health, productivity, morale and overall cost savings.

  • Provide SUD/addiction treatment to employee/dependents for less money with better outcomes
  • Eliminate costly diversion of employees/dependents to lengthy, ineffective residential treatment programs
  • Maintain employee privacy – back to work the same day
  • Reduce chronic relapsing – better on-the-job performance
  • Decrease the prevalence of co-occurring physical/mental health issues depression, anxiety and mood disorders
  • Provide wrap-around support through behavioral health outpatient care

Employees in recovery improve your bottom line

Employees who are in recovery, defined in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health as people who report receiving treatment in the past and who do not report symptoms of substance use disorders in the previous 12 months, have equal or lower costs for healthcare utilization, absenteeism, and job turn-over as employees who never report a SUD1

These statistics, while impressive, are for traditional recovery programs (a 12-step program or counseling on their own, for instance). The treatment programs offered through Brain Health Restoration are focused on brain physiology and restoring optimal brain functioning in order to improve employee well-being. Both Over the Influence and MeRT approach addiction from both physiological and psychosocial perspectives. Because these programs offer the promise of more effective and more sustainable recovery and better overall health for employees, they offer employers the promise of better financial health, too.

It’s time to put our programs to work for you.

Let Brain Health Restoration work with your team to analyze medical claim data and estimate potential cost savings in the areas of:

  • Addiction treatments
  • Co-occurring behavioral health issues
  • Workplace productivity
  • Existing plan benefits

We’ll work with your plan administrators (HR team EAPs, TPAs, brokers, others) to include Brain Health Restoration as the preferred addiction treatment provider.

Brain Health Restoration will create a mental, nervous, opioid and alcohol carveout plan tailored to your needs. Our carveout program includes

  • A capitated rate for addiction and behavioral health care, specifically
  • Makes use of our Brain Health Restoration programs
  • Reinsurance through the use of fronting paper from an ‘A’ rated national health insurer
  • A level of risk assumed by Brain Health Restoration in the carveout program

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